Saturday, 24 March 2018

Body Language

Cited from "Body Language for Leaders" from Carol Kinsey Gorman at

Misreading body language

  1. People look for the negative emotions and body language.
  2. People won't consider the context.
  3. People will find meanings in one gesture.
  4. People won't know the baseline.
  5. They will evaluate you through an array of biases. When a bias works in your favor, it is called Halo Effect.
Six keys to make a positive first impression
  1. Adjust your attitude.
  2. Check your posture.
  3. Smile. A tip here is to enter the room with a small smile, and let it widen as you look at the other person.
  4. Make eye contact. To improve your eye contact make a practice of noticing the eye color of every one you meet. This will encourage you to extend your gaze a bit longer than usual.
  5. Another key is to raise your eyebrows. Briefly open your eyes slightly more than normal to simulate the eyebrow flash, that's a universal signal of friendly recognition.
  6. Lean in.
When you meet someone and they tell you their name, find a way to repeat that name during your conversation, and as you do touch the person lightly on the arm.

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