Saturday, 14 November 2015

Markdown Syntax

Cited from Markdown Tutorial

Italic and Bold

To make a phrase italic in Markdown, the words can be surrounded by underscores ("_"), such as "_italic_".

To make phrases bold in Markdown, the words can be surrounded with two asterisks ("**"), such as "**bold**".


There are six types of headers, in decreasing sizes. The same number of hash marks before a header specified the size of the header in decreasing size.

 A header can not be made bold, but certain words can be italicized.

Links to Websites

To create an inline link, the link text is wrapped in brackets "[ ]", and then you wrap the link in parenthesis "( )". For example, "[Visit GitHub!](".

The reference link is a reference to another place in the document. For example, "[text][reference]" in the text, and at the bottom of the markdown document "[reference]:url".


To create an inline image, "!(alt text)[url]".


A blockquote is a sentence or paragraph that's been specially formatted to draw attention to the reader.

To create a block quote, preface a paragraph or several paragraphs can be prefaced with the "greater than" caret (>).


To create an unordered list, each item in the list must be prefaced with an asterisk and space ("* "). Each item must be listed in its own line.

An ordered list is prefaced with numbers, instead of asterisks.

With a nested list, the sub-item must be indented one space more compared to the preceding item.


If a new line was forcefully inserted, the togetherness may be broken. This would be the case of a hard break. Two spaces after each new line may be inserted to create a soft break. 

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