Thursday, 12 March 2015

Estimation of Gene and Variant Age

Excerpts from "Promoter directionality is controlled by U1 snRNP and polyadenylation signals"

"Previously, mouse protein-coding genes have been assigned to 12 evolutionary branches and dated by analysing the presence or absence of orthologues in the vertebrate phylogeny."

And the following paper was cited for the data source and methodology of gene age estimation in mice.

"Zhang, Y. E., Vibranovski, M. D., Landback, P., Marais, G. A. & Long, M. Chromosomal redistribution of male-biased genes in mammalian evolution with two bursts of gene gain on the X chromosome. PLoS Biol. 8, e1000494 (2010)"

Estimating gene age. 

Multiple evidence strands suggest that there may be as few as 19 000 human protein-coding genes

Estimating age of rare variants

Demography and the Age of Rare Variants

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