Sunday, 18 May 2014

PBS learning about resource profiles of queues

qsub              #submit a job, see man qsub
qdel -p jobid     #will force purge the job if it is not killed by qdel 
qstat             #list information about queues and jobs
qstat -q          #list all queues on system
qstat -Q          #list queue limits for all queues
qstat -a          #list all jobs on system
qstat -s          #list all jobs with status comments
qstat -r          #list all running jobs
qstat -f jobid    #list full information known about jobid
qstat -Qf queueid #list all information known about queueid
qstat -B          #list summary information about the PBS server
qstat -iu userid  #get info for queued jobs of userid
qstat -u userid  #get info for all the jobs of userid
qstat -n -1 jobid #will list nodes on which jobid is running in one line
checkjob jobid    #will list job details
Source (A few basic PBS commands) 

Information regarding the screen output is explained here 
(PBS Configuration Instructions for the NorduGrid Sites).

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